RILEM ISBM Lyon 2020 warmly thanks all the sponsors that support our event
Platinum sponsors
Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

Institutional sponsors

This symposium benefited from the financial support of Projet IDEXLYON of Université de Lyon in the framework of the Programme Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-16-IDEX-0005), as well as from the support of the Greater Lyon.
Platinum exhibitor – 4500 € (excl. taxes) / 5400 € (incl. taxes)
- 9 m² stand
- Complimentary standard registration for 1 guest
Gold exhibitor – 3000 € (excl. taxes) / 3600 € (incl. taxes)
- 6 m² stand
- Complimentary standard registration for 1 guest
Silver exhibitor – 1500 € (excl. taxes) / 1800 € (incl. taxes)
- 3 m² stand
- Complimentary standard registration for 1 guest
Platinum sponsor – 15000 € (excl. taxes) / 18000 € (incl. taxes)
- Logo on all conference materials
- Logo and short introduction of your company/ organisation (1 page) in the program
- Advertising material in the conference bags and in common spaces
- Individual advertising poster in common spaces
- Logo on a continuous presentation during breaks
- Logo on sponsors page on the conference website and link to the own website
- Logo on the conference flyer and in the program
- Complimentary standard registration for 3 guests
Gold sponsor – 5000 € (excl. taxes) / 6000 € (incl. taxes)
- Logo on a continuous presentation during breaks
- Advertising material in common spaces
- Logo on sponsors page on the conference website and link to the own website
- Logo on the conference flyer and in the program
- Complimentary standard registration for 2 guests
Silver sponsor – 2000 € (excl. taxes) / 2400 € (incl. taxes)
- Logo on sponsors page on the conference website and link to the own website
- Logo on the conference flyer and in the program
- Complimentary standard registration for 1 guest
Further possibilities to sponsor specific items (best poster/presentation award, etc…): contact the organizers.