RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials - ISBM Lyon 2020
The research team of the ENTPE at Université de Lyon takes great pleasure in inviting you to the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials (ISBM Lyon 2020), which will be held on-line on December 14th-16th 2020.
The symposium will join the strengths of 3 RILEM Technical Committees of Cluster F, making it an exceptional and unique event:
264-RAP (“Asphalt Pavement Recycling”),
272-PIM (“Phase and Interphase behaviour of bituminous Materials”),
278-CHA (“Crack-Healing of Asphalt Pavement Materials”).
The participation of researchers and practitioners from different fields will allow tackling key scientific challenges related to properties of bituminous materials and structures and innovative practices in the pavement domain.
This event will be a wonderful opportunity to share the latest advancements and innovations in the field of asphalt pavements and to bridge the gap between scientific research and applied engineering.